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Interior Architecture Bachelor's Degrees in Wisconsin

Wisconsin Interior Architecture Bachelor's Degree SchoolsIn 2024, we have evaluated 3 Wisconsin schools providing interior architecture bachelor's degrees, and Mount Mary University is the best option.

Check the rest of Wisconsin schools offering interior architecture bachelor's degrees and interior design colleges offering similar programs in the nearby states or narrow your search by city or consider other interior design major or diploma.

WI interior architecture bachelor's degree schools:

Mount Mary University - Interior Design School Ranking
1. Mount Mary University

Located in Milwaukee

Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design - Interior Design School Ranking
Concordia University Wisconsin - Interior Design School Ranking

Interior architecture bachelor's degrees in nearby states:

Indiana University Bloomington - Interior Design School Ranking
Indiana University Bloomington

Located in Bloomington, Indiana

Indiana State University - Interior Design School Ranking
Indiana State University

Located in Terre Haute, Indiana

Lawrence Technological University - Interior Design School Ranking
Lawrence Technological University

Located in Southfield, Michigan

School of the Art Institute of Chicago - Interior Design School Ranking
School of the Art Institute of Chicago

Located in Chicago, Illinois

WI interior design schools offering other bachelor's degrees:

University of Wisconsin Madison - Interior Design School Ranking
University of Wisconsin Madison

Located in Madison, 1 bachelor's program

University of Wisconsin Stout - Interior Design School Ranking
University of Wisconsin Stout

Located in Menomonie, 1 bachelor's program

University of Wisconsin Stevens Point - Interior Design School Ranking
University of Wisconsin Stevens Point

Located in Stevens Point, 1 bachelor's program

Other interior design bachelor's degrees in WI:

Interior Design: 5 schools

Other interior architecture diplomas in WI:

Certificates: 1 school

Wisconsin interior design schools by city:

Appleton: 1 school
Kenosha: 1 school
Madison: 2 schools
Menomonie: 1 school
Mequon: 1 school
Milwaukee: 3 schools
Pewaukee: 1 school
Stevens Point: 1 school
Wausau: 1 school

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