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Interior Design Schools in Fort Myers, Florida

in the area
Fort Myers, Florida is a mediocre city to obtain interior design diploma. The only school which provides such opportunity in the city is Southern Technical College Fort Myers. That school offers a fair quality programs - three stars for curriculum and two stars for teaching.

There are nine more interior design schools near Fort Myers. Read the details about all schools offering interior design programs around the city below.

Interior design schools in Fort Myers, Florida:

Southern Technical College Fort Myers - Interior Design School Ranking

Interior design schools near Fort Myers, Florida:

Palm Beach State College - Interior Design School Ranking
Palm Beach State College

Located in Lake Worth, Florida

Indian River State College - Interior Design School Ranking
Indian River State College

Located in Fort Pierce, Florida

Florida International University - Interior Design School Ranking
Florida International University

Located in Miami, Florida

Pinellas Technical College Clearwater - Interior Design School Ranking
Pinellas Technical College Clearwater

Located in Clearwater, Florida

AI Miami International University of Art and Design - Interior Design School Ranking
Miami Dade College - Interior Design School Ranking
Miami Dade College

Located in Miami, Florida

Seminole State College of Florida - Interior Design School Ranking
Seminole State College of Florida

Located in Sanford, Florida

Daytona State College - Interior Design School Ranking
Daytona State College

Located in Daytona Beach, Florida

University of Florida - Interior Design School Ranking
University of Florida

Located in Gainesville, Florida

Interior design schools in other FL cities:

Clearwater: 1 school
Daytona Beach: 1 school
Fort Pierce: 1 school
Gainesville: 1 school
Jacksonville: 1 school
Lake Worth: 1 school
Miami: 3 schools
Sanford: 1 school
Tallahassee: 1 school

Florida interior design schools by program:

Interior Design: 12 schools
Interior Architecture: 1 school

Florida interior design schools by diploma:

Certificates: 5 schools
Associate's Degrees: 7 schools
Bachelor's Degrees: 4 schools
Master's Degrees: 3 schools

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